Commercial Mailbox Locksmith in Edmonton

Services authorized and licensed by the Government of Alberta

At Dial Locksmith Ltd, we supply, install, repair, and provide security upgrades for all sizes of mail and lock boxes, indoor and outdoor. Our skilled journeymen are licensed by the Government of Alberta to provide commercial, industrial, and residential locksmith services, including crown lock boxes, fire department lock boxes, and tenant mailboxes.

Dependable & Efficient

Call us for professional and immediate locksmith services

When there’s an issue with your mail or lock box, you need them fixed fast. Our fully-equipped mobile fleet and skilled locksmiths can be deployed to your premises quickly.

At Dial Locksmith Ltd, we keep a fully-stocked inventory of products and hardware so we can provide you with a wide range of services when you need them. We have been serving commercial and industrial businesses, property managers, and homeowners since 1966.

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Locksmith services